
Enterprise visit

Time of publication:2021-03-29   Number of views:49


Enterprise visit


This enterprise visit was organized by the Youth League Committee of our college of physics and optoelectronic engineering. Under the leadership of the college and teachers, some students went to Han's Laser Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd/limited company. in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City for enterprise visit


We visited the exhibition hall, laser workstation, production workshop and patent wall, saw a lot of laser products, learned a lot about the principle and process of laser work, had a close experience of the laser work production line, and felt the success of Han's laser in the laser field and the culture and charm of laser technology application enterprises In this activity,


After that, a forum was held. The person in charge of the enterprise welcomed the arrival of the College of physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, and introduced the vigorous growth and rapid development of Han's laser. College leaders invite students to learn from enterprises, and hope to achieve more, longer and better school enterprise co construction activities with enterprises to realize common growth.


The backbone of enterprises and alumni of Shenzhen University introduced the requirements and process of talent recruitment to students, and the person in charge of different businesses patiently and responsibly answered various questions raised by students.


Although the time of this activity is short, it makes each student have different harvest in different aspects. The visit was a complete success.