Postgraduate Education

SZU Admission Brochure for the Doctoral Program of International Students (September 2023 Intake)

Time of publication:2023-04-25   Number of views:20

一、招生专业 Programs

英文授课专业Programs Taught in English

13. 澳门新莆京游戏app College of  Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

光学工程Optical Engineering


二、 学习方式和学习年限 Study form and duration

1. 学习方式为全日制。

Full-time study

2. 学习年限一般为3~4年,以具体专业学制为准,最长不超过5年。

Duration of the programs is 3 to 4 years, specific with different programwith the maximum of 5 years.


三、申请资格 Eligibility

1. 申请人须是非中国国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度。

The applicant should be non-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passports, and should be good in physical and mental health and shall abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules of school.

2. 申请人须具有硕士以上学位(申请时尚未毕业须提供预毕业证明,最迟在入学前取得硕士毕业证书)。年龄一般在40周岁以下。

Applicants should hold Masters degree or above, and should be under the age of 40. Applicants who have not graduated can provide expected graduation certificate for submitting application while the official diploma must be provided before enrollment.

3. 满足相应的语言水平要求(证书须在有效期内) 。

Applicants should meet the corresponding language level requirements (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period).

1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese

HSK5级证书(180分以上) HSK 5 with scores above 180

2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English

英语能力证明 English proficiency certification

* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。

Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.

四、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Method

(一)申请时间 Application Time

221-515     From February 21 to May 15


Application Procedure

1. 联系导师(详见列表)并取得《意向导师推荐信》(模板见附件)。

Contact the potential supervisor (as shown in the below list) and ask for a Letter of Recommendation (See as Attachment) from him/her if possible.

2. 请登陆国际交流学院网站 在线报名。

Please log on website of CIE: to register online.

3. 进入系统填写个人信息和签证信息,按要求上传材料,提交申请。

Log in system and fill in personal information and visa information, upload documents as required, then submit application.

五、申请材料 Application Materials


Please prepare the following materials before applying

1. 硕士毕业证书、学位证书。应届毕业生可提供就读大学出具的预毕业证明原件(入学前必须取得毕业证书,入学时将查验)。

Certificate and diploma of Master's degree. Graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate. Those who have not graduated from master program submit a pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time and present your original certification, transcripts, and translations when you register.

2. 硕士阶段全部课程的成绩单

The transcripts of all courses during postgraduate period

3. 两封推荐信(教授或副教授出具,中文/英文书写,须有推荐人姓名和联系方式)

Two Letters of Recommendation (Signed by professors or associate professors in Chinese or English with the name of the referral and contact information)

4. 一份个人陈述(1500字左右,用英文或中文撰写。内容应包括:拟报读专业与导师、个人学习与工作经历、学术研究成果等)

One piece of Self-statement (around 1500 words, and written in English or Chinese, and should include: the intended major and supervisor, personal experience of study and work, academic research results etc.)

5. 护照个人信息页

Photo Copy of Passport Info Page

6. 护照照片

Passport Photo


A Letter of Recommendation from potential supervisor.

8. 语言水平证明 Language Proficiency Certificate

1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese


HSK 5 with scores above 180

2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English

英语能力证明 English proficiency certificate


Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.

9. 个人履历(从小学至今)

Resume (from primary school to now)

10. 外国人体检报告

Foreigner Physical Examination Form

11. 无犯罪记录证明 (原件扫描件及中文翻译件)

Non-criminal Record Report (both original and Chinese translated copies)

* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据我校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。

In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials in time to the requirements of SZU.

* 以上材料均须中文或英文版本,其他语种须提供翻译件的公证件。

Documents other than Chinese or English are required to be translated and notarized.

* 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。

Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above wont be returned whether you are admitted or not.

六、录取流程 Admission Procedure

1. 在申请截止后,我校组织专家评审小组对申请资料进行审核。博士留学生的录取主要对学生进行专业水平和语言能力等的综合考核,如有需要,可安排远程或当面面试。

After the application deadline, SZU will organize a panel of experts to review the application documents. SZU will admit doctoral applicants based on the overall assessment of theirs scores and all other supporting documents. During the process, long-distance or face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.

2. 6月,预录取结果将以邮件形式通知学生。

In June,  pre-admission results will be sent to applicants via email.

3. 7月,确定最终录取的学生名单,并按照学生在网上报名系统填写的邮寄地址寄送录取材料原件。

In July, after confirmation of the list of admitted applicants, admission materials will be posted to applicants according to the address provided by the applicants on the application form.

4. 被录取的学生持《录取通知书》和来华学习签证申请表(JW202)到中国使馆申请X1签证,在抵达中国后30天内将X1签证转换成学习类居留许可,逾期不办理相关手续者,将做退学处理。学校不接受持非学习类签证的学生报到入学。

Students who are accepted should apply for the X1 visa at their countrys Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) with Shenzhen University Admission Notice and Visa Application for Study in China(JW202), and change X1 visa into a Residence permit for Foreign Students within 30 days after they enter China. Students who dont apply for the relevant visa and residence permit will have to drop out. SZU doesnt accept students with non-student visas.

5. 被录取的学生须根据《录取通知书》上所写的报到日期和地点来校报到注册,不接受学生提前报到。

Students who are accepted must register at the date and the address according to Shenzhen University Admission Notice. Registration in advance will not be accepted.

6. 报到时将核验毕业证书原件、语言水平证书等。未能提供证书或证书核验不通过者,将被取消录取资格。

The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate, etc. will be checked again at the time of registration. Those who fail to provide certificate document or fail the certificate verification will be canceled the admission.


Tuition fees and scholarship and other fees

1. 报名费: 200

Application Fee: 200RMB

2. 学费:文科类:34000/


医学/艺术/体育类:52000 /

Tuition Fee for Liberal Arts: 34,000 RMB/year

Tuition Fee for Science and Engineering: 40,000 RMB/year

Tuition Fee for Medicine/Arts/Physical: 52,000 RMB/year

3. 奖助学金 Scholarship and Grants




University scholarship for Liberal Arts: 34,000 RMB/year

University scholarship for Science and Engineering: 40,000 RMB/year

University scholarship for Medicine/Arts/Physical: 52,000 RMB/year


University scholarship is used to pay tuition fees.

2)基本助学金Basic Grants


SZU will provide a basic stipend of 40,000RMB per year which will be offered by 12 months.

     3导师科研津贴Research allowance from supervisors


The supervisor shall provide an annual allowance of no less than 12,000 RMB for his/her recruited international doctoral candidates, which shall be used for scientific research subsidies or academic exchanges.

* 延长学习期间的第一年,留学博士生可享受学校基本奖助学金,之后的延长学习期间不再享受上述待遇。

Students can have preferential treatment such as scholarships, grants fees for the first extended year of study. Such preferential treatment is not available from the second extended year of study.

      4)其它奖学金Available Scholarship


Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship is available for outstanding PhD students. The amount is 30,000 RMB/person.


Shenzhen Universiade Scholarship is available for outstanding PhD students. The amount is 48,000 RMB/person. 

4. 住宿与保险

Accommodation and Insurance


Accommodation: single rooms and double rooms are available. The fees vary from 2,400 to 8,000 RMB for per student per semester. Students need to pay for the selected type of dormitory by themselves. (Water and electricity charges are not included)


Insurance: 400RMB/semester. International students should purchase the group all-risk insurance designated by SZU. Students are required to purchase insurance from the College of International Exchange on registration day. Those who do not purchase the insurance as required will not be able to get registered.



Brief Introduction of Doctoral Programs Taught in English

光学工程Optical Engineering(澳门新莆京游戏app)


Optical Engineering


Shenzhen University's optical engineering discipline was approved as a doctoral authorization point in 2006, and a post-doctoral mobile station was established in 2007, forming a complete talent training system for undergraduate, master, doctoral and postdoctoral.

The optical engineering discipline of Shenzhen University closely focuses on the needs of major national projects and the development of the optoelectronic industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, forming the following five disciplines: 1. Intelligent optical measurement and imaging technology: exploring advanced optical measurement, imaging, perception, and information processing technologies , To develop new intelligent optical measuring instruments to serve intelligent manufacturing, major projects, national defense and major national strategies. 2. Biomedical optics and photonics: mainly focus on the optical methods and means required by life sciences and biomedicine to develop biomedical optical detection, imaging, diagnosis and treatment methods and technologies. 3. Fiber optic sensing and laser technology: Fiber optic sensing and laser technology: Carry out theoretical and experimental research on fiber optic sensing and laser technology, and develop a new generation of fiber optic sensors and laser systems. 4. Integrated photonics and functional materials: study integrated photonic systems and new functional materials and devices from three aspects: theory, calculation and experiment, develop new theories, synthesize new materials, design new structures, and assemble new devices. 5. Transient optics and optoelectronics: study the theory and technology of short-time and ultra-short-time amplification, and explore the physical, chemical and biological landscapes and evolution laws that occur in the ultra-fast process.


Professional Foreign Language


Scientific Computing

Essay writing guidance


In addition to studying abroad and pursuing doctoral degree, the trained students are mainly engaged in R&D work in Shenzhen local optoelectronic companies. Most of them have grown into technical backbones or project leaders.

Consultation Zhang)