Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate major introduction

Time of publication:2019-09-09   Number of views:20



Physics is the foundation of science and engineering technology. The major of physics aims to cultivate students with solid mathematical and physical foundation, proficient computer software and hardware application ability, high foreign language level, strong knowledge updating ability and extensive scientific adaptability. On the basis of solid theoretical knowledge of physics, proficient experimental skills and electronic and computer technology, through the study of different course modules, the graduates can continue to study in physics and related majors, and study for master's and doctoral degrees at home or abroad. Through the study of electronic information module, the graduates can engage in technology and R & D work in electronic information and other related industries. The major mainly includes the following courses: Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Optics, Electromagnetics, Atomic Physics, Electrodynamics, Thermal dynamics and Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Principle and Application of Microcomputer, Analog Circuit ,Digital Circuit and so on.


Physics (normal)


Based on Shenzhen, and relied on the economic development of Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area, Physics (normal) major adheres to the direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, meet the needs of national education reform and the development of Shenzhen elementary education.  The major cultivates students who will have noble teachers' ethics and educational feelings, good humanities and natural science literacy, solid education and teaching theory, and strong education and teaching ability. Five years after graduation, these graduates will have certain innovation ability and self-development consciousness, can adapt to the requirements of basic education, and will become backbone teachers who have strong comprehensive education ability of junior high school physics. The major mainly includes the following courses: Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Optics, Electromagnetics, Atomic Physics, Electrodynamics, Thermal dynamics and Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Pedagogy, Psychology and so on.


Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering


The objective of the undergraduate program of “Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering” is to educate students with outstanding skills in engineering and applied science, with specialties in optics, mechanics, electronics, and computations. The program is the first batch of first-class undergraduate majors in China, one of the key disciplines of Guangdong Province, and the top-ranked discipline of Shenzhen University in the subject evaluation of the Ministry of Education. With multidisciplinary training, a student receiving a degree would be expected to have the background for employment in industry or an engineering field including optoelectronics, optical engineering, luminescence, display, optical communications, information technology, and image processing. The core curriculum includes Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis (With experiments), Applied Optics, Physical Optics, Analog Electronics Technique, Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Waves, Signal and System, Digital electronics technology, The C Programming Language, Mathematical Methods for Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Optical Information Processing, Technology Foundation of Optoelectronics, Single Chip and Interface Technology, The Principle and Technology of Laser, The Principle of Optical Communications.


Nuclear engineering and technology


Nuclear engineering and technology” is an interdisciplinary high-tech specialty, including nuclear power engineering and nuclear energy utilization, nuclear technology and application. As a low-carbon and high-efficient clean energy, nuclear power is a strong guarantee for China's energy security and high-quality development of low-carbon economy; nuclear technology has been widely used in industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental protection and other fields. As the largest province of nuclear power in China, Guangdong is also the first region in China where large-scale commercial application of nuclear power was carried out. The nuclear energy industry has broad prospects for R & D, construction and operation. Guangdong Province is also the region with the fastest development of nuclear technology application in China, and several national large-scale scientific devices related to nuclear science and technology are under construction and preparation.


The students of this major will obtain the basic knowledge of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, solid foundation of natural science, good foundation of humanities and social Sciences, systematic mastery of broad technical theoretical knowledge in this major, including engineering mechanics, engineering electronics, engineering thermo-physics, fluid mechanics, nuclear technology and nuclear engineering, and acquisition of practical training in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology. Strong computer and foreign language application ability, strong self-study ability, innovative consciousness and high comprehensive ability are also of essential importance. After graduation, students can engage in research, design, manufacture, operation, application and management in related fields of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology.


Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation


Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation major is the combinational disciplines of Optoelectronic Information, Precision Machinery, Computer Science, Micro-Electronic, Sensor and Testing Technologies, Automations, etc., and it is developing towards intelligence, integration, miniaturization and networking. With the great progress in modern industry and scientific research, talents and technologies in this major are urgently desired by various fields, such as information, energy, aerospace, life science, environmental monitoring, and military research and so on.


Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation major of Shenzhen University was classified as “Characteristic Specialty Building Program of Higher Education Institution in Guangdong Province”. We focus on the foster of the engineering practice and innovation abilities of the students. We provide the students three specialty orientations: Computer Control, Intelligent Sensing, and Internet of Things Sensing. The sophomore can select the interesting orientations. We have an enthusiastic and high-level teaching group of 35 faculties, including one academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and one distinguished young scholar funded by the National Science Foundation of China.


      Aiming to the active demands of national development, especially these of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of China, which require a solid professional foundation, a good humanity accomplishment and moral, intellectual, physical all-round development, we combines engineering science education with engineering practice training in order to cultivate high-level professional and technical personnel, who can well engage in scientific research, technology development, engineering design, quality control and operational management, in the sensor and testing technology, intelligent instrument, measurement and control system and other technical fields.