
Advanced sensor technology research team

Time of publication:2021-05-08   Number of views:39

Led by Professor Li Xuexin, the research team of Advanced Sensor Technology is based on Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Sensor Technology and Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensor Network Technology. The main research directions are optical fiber sensors, sensitive thin film and nanomaterial sensors, sensor application integration and key technologies. There are 7 full-time teachers, including 2 professors, 1 associate professors and 3 lecturers. One person has been selected as one of the "Thousand and Ten Talents" of Guangdong Province, five Shenzhen Peacock Overseas High-level Talents and Shenzhen High-level Talents. Up to now, the team has undertaken more than 40 national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects with a total scientific research fund of more than 27 million yuan,  and has applied for 29 invention patents and published more than 100 SCI indexed papers in high-level international journals. Won the 2009 Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Award and the 2010 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Third Prize each.
