
New Energy Science Research Team

Time of publication:2021-03-24   Number of views:45

The new energy research team, led by academician Li Jiangang, mainly carries out major research projects such as fusion and plasma physics, as well as research on the frontier foundation and key technologies of strategic energy. The team is currently relying on the New Energy Research Center of Shenzhen University, which is jointly established by Shenzhen University and Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Gao Xiang is the director of the center. At present, there are 6 researchers and more than 40 postdoctors in the center, and there is a workstation of Academician Li Jiangang. The team participated in the establishment of Shenzhen Advanced Energy Research Institute, undertook more than 10 national scientific research projects, and published more than 10 papers. Established long-term cooperation with the University of Texas and other institutions in the United States, and introduced the HeliMak device, which lays a foundation for future experimental research on fusion.
