
Biomedical Photonics Research Team

Time of publication:2021-03-24   Number of views:43

Professor Qu Junle, the leader of the Biomedical Photonics Research Team, is a National Jieqing and SPIE Fellow of the International Society of Optical Engineering, chairman of the Biomedical Photonics Special Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, vice chairman of the Guangdong Biomedical Engineering Society and vice chairman of the Guangdong Biophysical Society. The team has 15 full-time teachers, including 1 Jieqing, 1 Excellent Qing, and 1 Foreign Distinguished Professor. Mainly carry out research on optomedicine, multi-photon biological imaging, super-resolution optical imaging, laser biophotonics, and dynamic imaging technology and instruments. In the past three years, the team has won 2 key projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 15 general projects, 25 projects of Youth Fund, and 3 key research and development projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, with a research fund of more than 40 million yuan. More than 300 SCI papers have been published in internationally renowned journals such as Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Chemical Society Reviews, Chemical Reviews, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Chem, etc., including 3 sub-journals of Nature and Cell.
