
Ultra-fast diagnostic technology research team

Time of publication:2021-03-24   Number of views:42

The ultra-fast diagnostic technology research team is led by Professor Liu Jinyuan, consists of 8 full-time teachers, including 4 professors, 1 associate professor, and 3 lecturers/engineers. Mainly engaged in ultra-fast, high resolution, high sensitivity, wide spectrum and other special image information acquisition and optical radiation detection technology research. Based on the frontiers of optoelectronics, ultra-fast and photoelectric imaging, focuses on developing key technologies urgently needed in national defense and the national economy. In recent years, it has completed more than 20 national defense military projects such as major national science and technology projects, 9 national high-tech 863 projects, and developed more than 20 sets of high-speed cameras of different types. Various ultra-fast phenomena diagnosis systems have been successfully applied in laser nuclear fusion and Z-Pinch research, which has made important contributions to the national defense construction and major basic research.


Scanning camera at the Shenguang III mainframe test site