
Advanced laser technology and material application research team

Time of publication:2021-03-24   Number of views:44

The research team of advanced laser technology and materials application is led by Professor Ruan Shuangchen, "Hundred Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences and "National candidate of New Century Millions of Talents Project". There are 15 full-time teachers, including 6 professors, 3 associate professors, 3 lecturers, 2 full-time researchers and 1 research assistant. Relying on the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Laser Engineering, the company is committed to the research of fiber lasers and nonlinear research, new solid-state lasers, nano photoelectric materials and terahertz technology. Undertook a number of national-level scientific research projects such as Project 863, Project 973 and Natural Science Foundation, with a research fund of 38 million yuan in the past five years. Won the first and second prize of Science and Technology Innovation Award of China Optical Engineering Society, the third prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Award; 49 US and Chinese patent authorizations, including 19 invention patents, have published more than 200 SCI papers in important international academic journals, and 2 monographs.
