
Flexible stretchable optoelectronics research team

Time of publication:2021-03-24   Number of views:46

The flexible and stretchable optoelectronics research team is led by the National Young Expert of Thousands, and the distinguished professor of Shenzhen University Peng Zhengchun. The team consists of 5 full-time teachers, 1 associate researcher and 3 lecturers. Team based mainly on composite of nano functional materials, gel materials and Bioelastomer materials, to study its electronic effects, photon effects and ion motion under stress or other external stimuli, and to prepare flexibility that can be integrated into the human body and the robot body Stretchable sensors and actuators provide a multi-parameter sensing and control system for vital signs detection and robot tactile intelligence.  In the past three years, 16 projects have been funded by key projects of the Shenzhen Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, general projects, Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talent Innovation Team (Peacock Team), Shenzhen Discipline Layout, etc., with contract funding of more than 35 million yuan. More than 40 papers included in SCI have been published in journals such as Advanced Materials and Advanced Functional Materials. The students supervised by the team won the first prize in the National Photoelectric Design Competition for College Students, and one hundred outstanding undergraduate graduation thesis of Shenzhen University.

